Saturday, November 14, 2015


Amethyst from Steven Universe.

The characters remain the copyrighted material of their respective owners.

I only modified the outline and did the color. I am searching the name of the artist who did the original outline.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tensai Shimai

Johnny Test, Mary Test, Susan Test. All Characters remain the copyrighted material of their respective owners.

Tensai Shimai (Genius Sisters) Mary and Susan Test From Johnny Test. Commission for P.N. JT is Awesome. Thank you very much for the patience and understanding for the delay. I am glad it was worth the wait for you.

My favorite is Mary Test in case anyone is interested to know.

Glad to be back on drawing.

This is my 1st drawing after recovering from the surgery.

End of Feb.  My tongue can only taste metal when eating food. No appetite and couldn't eat for 15 days. Had a very high fever 39 to 40 C constantly, and vomiting sometimes.

End of April. Woke up At 6 AM from very severe pain in left side of  stomach. Was taken to a hospital. Took the following tests: Blood test, X ray, ultrasound, CT Scan.

Diagnostics. Had a very excessive amount of amoeba in my Liver. My body became diabetic and as a result, was not able to react normally against the amoeba.

May 3rd. Liver abscess operation. Performed amoeba suction.

Stayed in hospital for 15 days before my Liver was healed enough to go home.

2 Months pre-recovery, 2 months more for complete recovery.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

TheCon's Minnie Mouse

This outline was so good I just had to color it.

Original outline by: TheCon
Line Edited and colored by: ANIMACGYVER

Minnie Mouse is a property of (C) DISNEY