Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mindy McCready Is Hit-Girl

Mindy McCready  A.K.A. Hit-Girl.

Request from (P.N.) IamKickAss  (Thank you very much!)

I wanted to draw her ever since I read the kick ass comic. Saw  both movie and I liked it. And yes, I like the movie version hairstyle better than the comic version.

(And yes, I learned how to make liquid effect. (finally))

Enjoy the pic~

Mindy McCready, Kick Ass, Hit-Girl (C)   Mark Millar, Marvel


Timmy_22222001 said...

Pretty damn nice work there man and hats off to seeing you with some new work that's very Kick-Ass (pun intended, lol).

Mindy looks pretty damn nice in your style dude and rather like the good expression you caught her in the picture like she's fresh from the fight and wiping the blood off her, bravo.

The coloring here is really standing out the to eye, she's alot brighter with you digital effects but you still do well to tailor to the darker look of her suit to even the neater splashes of blood dripping across her glove.

You seemed to have toned down the size of the eyes and hair here and that makes the realistic look and expression she shows that much better. Overall this is very well done lad and hats off to there being more Kick Ass artwork around the net, especially of Hit Girl. *thumbs up*


AniMacGyver said...

Hi. Thank you for the comment. Appreciate it.

Actually I was thinking of adding a glass shard on her hand because I was thinking of her fighting Mother Russia when I did this pic. But I decided it may ruin the proportion so I decided not to go with the glass. This picture is my first attempt on making 3 different layers on making the eyes to make it more glass looking. (As if like Mindy came out and told me "Hey doofus, you have been drawing a lot and you can't even get the right eye style yet? C'mon! Put your back in it!")

I think I am getting the hang of the liquid effect. I still need practice though. :)

Might do another hero next. :)

Thanks for your time~ :)